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Egy információkkal, kommunikációs-és közlekedési hálózattal átszőtt világban élünk, melyben döntéseink és cselekedeteink által kapcsolódunk egymáshoz. Méga távoli események is hatással vannak ránk, mint ahogyan a mi döntéseink is hatnak valahol máshol. Az európai Museo Mundial Projekt célja oktatni az embereket és vitákat indítani az egész világot érintő témákban. Emellett szeretnénk ösztönözni az embereket arra, hogy legyen aktívabbak, tegyenek egy egyenlőbb és fenntarthatóbb világért. Egyszóval a projekt középpontjában a globális, világméretű tanulás áll. Ennek érdekében támogatjuk a Millenniumi (ezredfordulós) Fejlesztési Célokat és figyelemmel kísérjük az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete által bejelentett stratégiákat, módszereket.


Why to put global topics in museums

With this project we promote this Global Learning in a special surrounding - museums. Museums are well-established institutions of learning. Millions of European citizens visit museums each year. At the same time many Museums are looking for ways to update their traditional topics to today’s problems and matters. The approach of Global Learning offers a possibility for museums to expand the range of their topics and thus gain new visitors that have not been reached yet.

NGOs at the same time are sometimes complaining about reaching the same audiences again and again. The cooperation with museums promises new audiences for development topics. However Global Learning is very rarely promoted in museums so far. The project Museo Mundial aims at closing this gap.

How to put global topics in museums

In this project partners from both museums and development NGOs elaborate 40 installations of “Global Learning for museums” as embedded parts of exhibitions and present them to visitors of partner museums in Hungary, Germany, Portugal and Czech Republic. Embedded installations in exhibitions can take many forms. During two years of work in our project the team came up with many installations that show how diverse Global Learning in museums can be. It was for instance an audio station on land grabbing placed in an exhibition on West Africa (Naturhistorisches Museum Nuremberg). It was a board game on world trade placed in an exhibition on the 1920ies (Museum of Loures Municipality). It was an interactive train model educating on sustainable mobility in a railway exhibition (Railway Museum Budapest). It was a table based installation on water in an exhibition on thermal baths (Budapest History Museum). It was a wall installation on food security (Agricultural Museum Prague). And there were many more installations that we have implemented up to this point. We collected our ideas on this webpage to give some inspiration to others. The installations shown on this webpage were developed in a participatory way including both staff of museums and NGOs. In order to make the approach of embedded Global Learning reproducible also for other museums and NGOs the installations are cheap and affordable to reproduce them.

 This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Museo Mundial project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.